oil painting

Lily Blossoming

The other flowers have blossomed

When will I?

Will my turn even come?

Or will I just fade, never more than a simple bud

They are bright and luscious with their arms outstretched joyously

And I wait

I wait and hope that when it is my turn

If I get a turn

As a late lily

That someone will smile

Because of the one last blossom

When the rest have long faded

"Lily Blossoming", Oil Painting on Canvas, 8 x 10 inches https://www.melissawillett.com/lily-blossoming

"Lily Blossoming", Oil Painting on Canvas, 8 x 10 inches


Deserts (Trigger Warning)

We all go through deserts

Times where the vastness of emptiness in front of us seems insurmountable


You will not make it

The wound has spread and it is deep and infected

Just sit with the pain

Do not notice it growing into suffering

You will not make it past this

The voice is sweet and sad

It lies

For a time it felt like the only voice you could hear was that poisonous, wretched voice

Not any more

You will make it through

You can cross the vastness and come out the other side

You will experience joy again

And all the other emotions that you hid inside for fear that it would expose the wound

It will come in like a flood to the desert

You cannot believe it is there

How can a flood and a desert be in the same place?

The floods recede

And just like that the moment is gone and you are left standing there


But changed

All you have to do is run, run out of the desert because it does have an end

Take your pain and care for it so that the suffering will fade away under your tender care

It will end

You will heal

You can heal

You cannot believe it now, but it is true

I am healing

The desert has an end

Work in Progress, Oil Painting, Negev Desert

Work in Progress, Oil Painting, Negev Desert

Returning from Israel

Returning from Israel
How will I describe this experience?
How do you sum up thousands of beautiful moments?
How do you make peace with the ugliness too?
Moments where you heard stories of the most vile acts from women who should not have to be so strong
There were lovely moments: gardens, chefs, ruins, musicians, a sense of home and hospitality half a world away
I saw rivers of water flooding through a dessert so deep that you had to firmly remind yourself that it is not usually there - that you who have never traveled get to see a rare and magnificent moment that locals flock to with wide eyes
Tomorrow, it will all be gone
I saw smiles, laughs, tears and the fears that grip us all on the faces of friends and strangers alike
How will I return from Israel?

My first start to a painting in my Israel series is a kumquat tree in the garden of musician George Saman.

My first start to a painting in my Israel series is a kumquat tree in the garden of musician George Saman.